Whether you have a propane appliance or two or use it to power your entire home, chances are you’ve had plenty of experience using propane tanks. These tanks are incredibly common and can be seen anywhere from your local hardware store to the outside of your neighbor’s home. Still, these tanks have a finite capacity, making accurately estimating propane usage an essential skill to have. So, just how do you ensure you're estimating propane usage correctly, and how long should you expect a propane tank to last?
How Long Does a Propane Tank Last
Propane tanks can be used with a wide variety of different appliances, from heaters, ovens, and grills to dryers, water heaters, and more. However, while propane is undoubtedly versatile, if you use it to power any of your appliances, you need to be able to accurately estimate how much you are using and how much your tank might have left. So, just how can you find out how long the propane in your tank will last?
Well, propane tanks come in all different shapes and sizes, and, unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all solution to estimating how long a propane tank will last. In fact, there are a few different factors that can influence how long you’ll be able to use your tank before running out. So, if you want to get a better idea of how long the propane in your tank will last, here are the things you should consider.
The Size of Your Propane Tank
The most obvious factor that affects how long your propane will last is the size or capacity of the tank. While small portable tanks may be able to power one or two appliances for a few hours, larger tanks can often power entire homes for months on end. So, if you want to get an accurate estimate of how long the propane in your tank will last, the first thing you need to do is find out exactly how big it is.
Your Appliances and Their BTU Rating
The most precise way to make accurately estimating propane usage over time easy is to look at your appliance's BTU rating. All propane appliances come with a BTU rating that tells you how many BTUs of heat the appliance consumes in one hour at its highest setting. Considering that every gallon of propane produces about 92,000 BTUs, all it takes is a bit of math, and you can figure out exactly how long your propane tank will be able to power your particular appliance or appliances.
However, when you’re doing math, always remember that propane tanks don’t actually hold exactly the amount of propane that they say they do. Propane tanks are never completely full to ensure that there is enough room for the propane to expand when it gets hot. So, for the most accurate results, you should multiply 92,000 BTUs by the stated capacity of the tank multiplied by 0.8. Then, divide the number you get by the BTU rating on your propane appliance.
This will give you a precise estimate of how many hours your propane tank will last using that particular appliance and can help you in estimating your propane usage.
How to Measure Propane Usage in a Propane Tank
Most people aren’t using up an entire tank all in one go, so one of the biggest problems many propane consumers run into when it comes to measuring propane usage is figuring out how much propane they have inside a propane tank that they have already used.
Luckily, there are more than a few simple and easy ways to find out exactly that. So, if you have a propane tank but aren’t sure how much propane you have left inside, here are the best ways to find out.
Weigh Your Propane Tank
The easiest way to get a rough estimate of how much you’ve already used in your smaller propane tank is to simply weigh it. For example, 5-gallon tanks are also known as 20-pound tanks for a reason, and that reason is that they weigh 20 pounds when full. That means that if you have already used some of the propane in the tank, it will, of course, weigh less than that.
This works for any portable propane tank that you may have. All you need to do is weigh your tank and subtract the tank’s tare weight, which you can usually find on the tank’s handle and next to the letters TW, and you’ll have a rough idea of how much propane is left in the tank.
Use the Water Test
Another great way to get a solid estimate of how much propane you still have in your portable tank is to do the water test. Propane naturally absorbs heat, so all you have to do is pour hot water on your tank, and gradually move your hand down its side until it gets cold. The level your hand is at when it starts to get cold is the same level that the propane inside your tank is sitting at.
Find or Purchase a Tank Gauge
The easiest and most precise way to measure how much propane you have left in your propane tank is to purchase and/or use a tank gauge. All large propane tanks come with one already installed, and tank gauges are generally quite inexpensive and widely available both online and at most hardware stores. Once you find or buy your tank gauge, just hook it up to your tank, and you’ll have a precise reading of exactly how much propane you have left inside.
Contact MAZ Propane Today
Are you thinking about making the switch to propane, inquiring about propane prices, or simply want to learn more? Give MAZ Propane a call! Their team of friendly propane experts is always there to answer questions and will happily tell you more about the many benefits that propane can bring to your home. They can even provide a free estimate for the cost of your potential conversion and provide suggestions about what propane appliances would be best for you. So, don't let yourself miss out any longer. Call MAZ Propane today!