
Maz Propane

Propane Tank Installation Costs in Chester County

Are you thinking about converting to propane? You’re not alone. With rising energy costs and environmental concerns, more homeowners than ever before are considering making the switch. However, there’s still a lot that homeowners need to consider beforehand, one of the most important of which is potential propane tank installation costs.

Unlike other common energy sources like electricity or natural gas, you can’t receive propane via standard utility lines. So, naturally, the basis of any functional home propane system is the propane tank. If you plan on converting to propane, installing this tank will undoubtedly be the biggest propane installation expense you’ll need to budget for.

So, just how much does a propane tank installation cost in Chester County, and what factors might affect the final cost of your specific installation?

How Much Does a Propane Tank Installation Cost in Chester County?

Unfortunately, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to how much it costs to install a propane tank. Propane tank installation costs can vary widely depending on a number of factors, and considering that every homeowner has different needs and preferences, the only way that you can truly know how much your specific installation will cost is to seek out an official estimate. 

That being said, if you’re looking for a general range, you can expect that your Chester County propane tank installation will cost anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars. However, MAZ Propane offers installation for free, depending on a few different factors for your install.

What Factors Affect Propane Tank Installation Costs?

As mentioned above, there are a number of different factors that can affect how much your specific propane tank installation will cost, from the size of the tank itself to where you plan to install it. 

Some factors affect the final cost more than others. However, if you are planning on installing a new tank any time soon, you’ll need to consider them all to ensure that your project will both meet your home’s propane needs and fit within your budget. So, just what are these important factors that you need to consider?

Tank Size

One of the biggest factors that can affect propane tank installation costs is the size of the propane tank itself. As you might have guessed, larger propane tanks generally cost a lot more than smaller ones and require more labor to install. 

For example, if you plan to install a small 100-gallon above-ground tank, the installation will be on the cheaper side. On the other hand, if you plan on installing a much larger 1000-gallon above-ground tank instead, your installation costs could shoot up exponentially.

This huge cost difference is caused solely by the size of the tank, so it’s essential that you make the right choice when picking one out. If you only use propane to power an appliance or two, you probably don’t need to spend the extra money on such a large tank. However, if you plan to use propane to power a significant portion of your home, you’re probably better off eating the high initial cost and going with one of the largest sizes. 

a woman researching propane tank installation costs on her laptop in bed

Renting vs. Buying

Another huge factor to consider is whether you want to rent or buy your propane tank. Buying a tank is the preferred option for many, but considering this does bear with it a significant upfront cost, this may not be a realistic plan for everyone. 

Many companies offer the option to rent or lease tanks (like MAZ!), which allows homeowners to spread out the costs more evenly. Some rental agreements even come with free installation and maintenance, further reducing initial costs.

The main difference is that buying your tank will increase your initial installation costs, but it will ultimately be a one-time payment that you won’t have to worry about paying ever again. Renting, on the other hand, is cheaper initially, but you will be stuck making monthly payments as long as you use the tank. 

At the end of the day, the choice is yours, but it’s essential that you understand the short—and long-term benefits and drawbacks of both options to ensure that you get the best deal for you.

Above-Ground or Below-Ground Installation

While most people have seen above-ground propane tanks at one point or another, you may not be aware that many homeowners decide to install their tanks underground. Both options have advantages and disadvantages, but in general, underground installations tend to be much more expensive. 

Going back to our previous example, while installing a 1000-gallon above-ground propane tank might be relatively inexpensive, installing that same tank underground could shoot installation costs up close by almost double. So, then, the choice is simple, right? Install your tank above ground and save some money in the process.

Well, things aren’t quite that simple. While above-ground tanks are incredibly safe, underground tanks are still considered to be the safer option and are often necessary on properties where there isn’t enough room to have one above ground. However, if you do have the room and budget is your number one concern, going forward with an above-ground instalation is a better option.

Distance From the Home

While not quite as big a factor as the previous ones, the distance between your home and your propane tank can also affect the price of installation. Any propane tank over 125 gallons should be placed at least 10 feet away from your home and any surrounding property lines, so this is essentially the minimum distance. However, larger distances require more digging and longer pipes, both of which can cause installation costs to go up.

The MAZ Propane team posing in front of MAZ Propane propane delivery truck and service van

Contact MAZ Propane Today

Are you planning on installing a new propane tank? Give MAZ Propane a call! They offer a full range of Chester County propane services, including propane delivery, conversion, and tank installation services, and their team is always there and happy to help new customers. So, don’t push off your propane tank installation any longer. Contact MAZ Propane and schedule your next propane tank installation today!

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